Platform Reviews

Professional & Independent Reviews.

Visit Mitre 10

The information on this page doesn’t talk about the exact process applied but rather provides an overview of how a typical project similar to this one would be applied, so, a guide only

The Brief

Whether you are looking to re-platform or you have implemented a solution that is just not achieving the plan, Probatio provides a   service for reviewing platforms. In the case of Mitre 10, the brief was to review the current platform and look for ways to improve it.  Every business should take the opportunity to seek an external position on their platform as internal drivers can often focus on what’s best for the business and miss some of the key requirements for the customer. Additionally, businesses tend to treat their website as a project with a completion date when it should be an ongoing project.

The Response

Probatio has developed a programme of work that looks at all aspects of the customer journey when interacting with a brand online. The partner can select from a list of options as to how deep the review goes. The response to this brief included all aspects of the platform review including system architecture, CRM, email solutions, system functionality, master data, SEO/SEM and more.

The response included recommendations that led to major savings for the brand and a large list of opportunities for improvement.


The Brief

Even the most successful of businesses can find areas to improve and smart companies look for these ways. Mitre 10 asked for a review of the web platform and connecting systems. The brief was to review the current platform and systems connected to the platform and look for any areas that would help improve customer conversions. 

The brief to Probatio was to start with the basic package and a decision would be made on any further work as the findings are revealed.

We listen


The Design – Reverse Brief

This is one of if not the most important part of the process.

Probatio provided a reverse brief covering the topics raised and recommendations on areas that should be included, which ultimately were accepted and led to major savings. The reverse brief was based on an initial discovery session that listed the systems connected to the web platform and each area that should be included in the review. This allowed for a project to be scoped and the recommendations for what aspects should be included.

This allowed for a fixed price quote to be applied to the project and gave the customer confidence in the pricing linked to the project. A clear brief allows for clear pricing.


The reverse brief is integral to ensuring any project’s success.




The original feedback from the customer was that the project was going to be comprehensive and they felt comfortable with what was to be covered,  however, some aspects are not required as they were under control. This feedback didn’t necessarily match some initial investigations and Probatio pushed for this to be included, even at a high level. This was the right thing to do as the process reveal an excellent opportunity to save money which could be utilised in other areas.

The feedback process varies depending on the project, sometimes this is as simple as a single meeting to provide feedback on the project, and other times this requires multiple sessions, either way, Probatio will be there for you.


Develop Solution

Probatio provided a comprehensive document as a response which included a number of recommendations and the ideal priority for each of these. The response covered the key areas;

  • Master Data
  • Filtering
  • Stock 
  • Delivery Options
  • Sales & Promotional Pricing
  • CRM
  • Email
  • So much more…



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