5 simple rules to a better plan?

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1. Start each year with a fresh plate.

Why not start each year with a scorched earth policy?  Sure some of the work you did last year should continue but the majority of businesses simply take what they did last year and repeat with more the next. The definition of madness is doing ” the same thing but expecting a different result “

This process will drive change,  a rethink of all areas of expenditure and help you to understand where you are receiving value from.

A strange thing you may say but how likely are you to improve if you think you have it right? I always start with the assumption that it’s wrong and rebuild each year.

Let Probatio help build your marketing strategy.

2. Not all mediums work

Of course, this statement is not true. Most mediums work but you need to recognise that some are more relevant to your business than others and often we find that the key decision-makers buy to their own preferences which is a simple way of watering down your limited budgets.

We can help you navigate through the many mediums available ensuring you receive the maximum return.

3. Accept confidence bias is rife throughout your business.

Very few businesses recognise the biggest issue that they will have in their marketing planning is confidence bias. Most marketers and business owners will simply make decisions based on their gut.. and “what got you here won’t get you there”.

The issue is often that this confidence bias doesn’t present itself as ideas that feel wrong but rather as logical solutions.

Let us help identify these biases with you and present plans that are focused on your customers

4. Know your customer.

How can you develop marketing strategies when you don’t know your customer.

This is a process that I have worked with many businesses on in the past and all of these companies start with the statement “they know their customers” and often this is simply not the case.

Their customer base is often too broad or not a logical customer set.

To be very clear, it makes a lot of sense to identify your correct customer then utilise the media channels they prefer as this will ensure the most effective use of your funds.

5. Measure everything

It’s not as hard as it sounds.

Why would anyone spend money on marketing without knowing if it works, but most businesses do?

Often companies do not want to measure the marketing expenditure because it is actually easier to live on the fringe and say “I know it works” rather than measure effectiveness.

Let’s work together to ensure you have a system to measure ROMI “return on marketing invested”

Consider this.

If the brands you see on this site are confident enough to use Probatio, you are reducing your risk by selecting us as a partner. Every brand shown on this website are customers of Probatio and knows that sometimes you just need help to ensure you don’t miss an opportunity. Some of these customers have increased sales by millions through strategies designed by us, and some have saved millions through our support. Don’t miss that opportunity.

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